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Treat Yourself: Your Guide to a Solo Valentine’s Day

by | Feb 8, 2019 | Last updated Feb 15, 2022

If you happen to be flying solo this year, Valentine’s Day is all about YOU! Take no shame in showing yourself some love and treat yo’self. Who knows you better than anyone? Yep, it’s you, and that means you are going to get an amazing gift that you will LOVE! So don’t hold back, get creative, and pamper your mind, body, and soul.

Here are a few ideas on how you can treat yourself all day long:

Rise n’ shine

Start your day off right by taking your time to get up. Try not to go right for your phone – today, aim to stay screen free to really focus on yourself! You could meditate in the quiet peace of your room, do some stretching to get energized for the day, do yourself up to look your best, or get some exercise in before the day’s festivities.

Set the tone for the day that you desire! Drink plenty of water, eat a yummy breakfast and review your V-Day to do list. You’re on your own wavelength and schedule today, so be sure to take proper care of yourself before you head out the door.

Slay midday

You’re up, you’re out, and you’re looking your finest. Life is meant to be lived and you have no opposition! This is the perfect time to have a personal experience that you can cherish forever. Is there a place you have always wanted to venture? A top-rated restaurant you want to eat at? A unique experience in your local area? GO! Onward!

Treating yourself is the theme and this part of the day is a great time to go out to your favorite shops and see if there is anything you fancy. If you happen to have a little extra cash, get yourself that thing you’ve been eyeing. It could be an article of clothing, a new gadget or even an investment in your future. Maybe it’s enrolling in an educational program – think of all the things you could do with the certification that could take your life to the next level! Maybe it’s a spiritual retreat, or even starting a mad money stash to go toward something bigger in the future. Let your imagination guide you!

Set with the sun

The sun is going down but the day is not over yet! When was the last time you truly relaxed? Have you ever had a professional massage? Been to a day spa or taken a hot yoga class? Whatever relaxation means to you, take the evening to unwind and let all the stress flow from your body and mind.

Enjoy sweet dreams

Before you tuck yourself in tonight take a good hard look in the mirror. Gaze into your eyes and tell yourself all the things you love about yourself. Let the positive affirmations flow from your lips and coat your heart like artisan chocolate. You are an amazing person, you are worthy of love, you are enough, you are special, and you deserve everything you did for yourself today – and every day!

Regardless of what you choose to do for yourself this Valentine’s Day, remember… It’s not selfish, it’s self care!

Author: Rachel Hansen, MS