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5 Ways to Shake up Your Workout Routine

by | Jul 22, 2019 | Last updated Feb 15, 2022

By: Katie Horrell, MS, RDN, CPT

Looking to try out a new workout, or activity this week? Whether it’s caused by boredom or by not seeing the results you want to see, we all need to shake up out activity from time to time! If you’re at a loss for new ideas, you’ll love to learn more about 5 ways you can change it up this week! 

1. Get creative with a workout class

If you’re used to working out at home, or independently at the gym, a class can be a great way to shake things up and step out of your comfort zone! Workout classes range in length, intensity, and variety, so there’s usually a workout class for every type of individual. Pick one that feels right for you, and don’t feel pressured to do the toughest one starting out. You can always work up to more intense workout classes in the future!

2. Ask your friends what *their* favorite workout is

Your Noom Group members are great resources to reach out to when you need to brainstorm new workout ideas to shake up your routine. Don’t be shy – ask everyone to thread their favorite fun workout, or to list what their routine looks like this week.

2. Challenge yourself with a new type of workout

Cardio lover? Try strength training!  Regular heavy-weight lifter? Try walking, biking, or the stairclimber! No matter what intensity you’re at in your workout regime, your body benefits from changing things up. Your body & muscles are are smart! They want to adapt to doing a workout more efficiently.  Therefore, overtime the same old, same old gets easier to complete, and thus uses less energy. We challenge you to switch up one workout this week and see how you feel! 

4. Add variety with a YouTube video

If you are crunched on time short, convenient workouts sound pretty appealing, don’t they? YouTube is a popular video search engine that has so many free workout videos to offer. Just type in what type of muscle you’re looking to burn (e.g. “Quick arm workout”) – and you’ll find tons of workout videos you can complete from the comfort of your own home.

5. Push yourself with a personal trainer

You may think, “Hey, I already know the basics of exercise, so why hire someone to tell me what I already know?” –  However, personal trainers are specialists when it comes to building physical fitness levels, muscle, and endurance. They can help you take your workout to the next level, and reach specific goals related to fitness. Even signing up for just a few personal training sessions to expand your horizons can be super beneficial for your fitness routine long term!

Which of these 5 ideas sticks out to you?