Our chat feature will be down for maintenance on March 17, 2024, from approximately 2:00 AM – 3:00 AM ET.
Please check back after our maintenance has concluded, or submit a ticket to our email support if you require assistance.

Known Technical Issues

We understand how frustrating technical issues can be, which is why we make fixing them our top priority.

However, some issues take longer to resolve than others, so we encourage you to reach out to our Noom Support team if you run into any issues.

Need to report an issue? Please use our contact form to let us know what’s going on.

Issues list — click to expand, and then report if you are experiencing one of the issues below:

Android/iOS: Spinning blue circle when opening the app after logging in on a different device

Transferring from iOS to Android or vice versa isn’t recommended as this will create a corrupt account and you may no longer be able to use your subscription. Our developers are currently aware of this issue and are investigating further. Please keep your app updated so that you’ll receive the fix as soon as it’s available.

Course progress resets

Our developers are currently aware of this issue and are investigating further. Please keep your app updated so that you’ll receive the fix as soon as it’s available.

Android: Unable to edit/delete exercises

Our developers are currently aware of this issue and are investigating further. Please keep your app updated so that you’ll receive the fix as soon as it’s available.