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3-Day Refresh Meal Plan: 5 Things to Know Before Buying

by | Mar 29, 2019 | Last updated Feb 15, 2022

Is the 3-Day Refresh Meal Plan by Beachbody a detox? Is it a cleanse? A weight loss product? Or is it all of the above?

It depends who you ask – and what their marketing goals are. For someone looking for a jump start to clean eating, the detox talk is what strikes a chord. For those wanting to fit into a dress for an event or drop a few pounds before bathing suit season, the fast weight loss and meal supplement promises are more key. However you look at it, this meal plan boils down to shakes, water, very few calories, and some mini salad-like meals from ingredients you buy separately.

You’re encouraged to exercise while on 3-Day Refresh but a majority of users say they feel weak, fatigued, and headachy from the program, which isn’t likely to result in lots of motivation toward working out. And if you’re like those who experience the occasional stomach pain on this plan, it’ll serve as an additional obstacle in any quest to be active during the three days.

The 3-Day Refresh Meal Plan costs about $83, including shipping, for 9 shake packets and instructions for buying and prepping the additional special foods you need. It’s completely plant-based and vegan. Some people have said they swap out various packets with other shake brands or ingredients (at an additional expense) if they have specific dietary needs.

Five Things You Need to Know Before Buying the 3-Day Refresh Meal Plan
1. Don’t Stray Too Far From the Loo

Extra trips to the bathroom might be in your future on 3-Day Refresh. We see a lot of vacation days and three day weekends home from work mentioned from 3-Day Refresh buyers, due to the increased bathroom time experienced. Diarrhea is reported in some cases, though on the flipside some say it helps to improve bowel regularity. Increased urination was also reported across the board. Even Beachbody coaches, who’re invested in providing glowing reviews, cannot help but mention excessive bathroom trips.

2. You May Not Be Hungry, But You’ll Miss Eating

You’re probably not going to wither away on the 3-Day Refresh Meal plan – but that doesn’t mean it’s filling. And Beachbody really counts on the extra water intake, as instructed, to make up for feelings of emptiness. People report feeling deprived and hungry before bed, resulting in bad sleep. Almost all reviews begin very adamantly that they followed the plan explicitly. But midway through reviews there’s a lot of admission of cheating (which amounts to eating some extra fruit or other whole food because of excessive hunger). Some simply quit on day two, defeated by hunger altogether.

3. Wallet Pains

When broken down into simple terms of 9 shake packets for $83 and the extra money you’ll need to but the additional food from the grocery store, plus prep time, this program might seem a little extravagant for the less than impressive results. Additionally, the shakes are described as generally bad tasting, the fiber shake being especially gelatinous and hard to swallow. The system is also not very compatible with enough dietary needs.

4. You May Get Cranky

We all know just being hungry can put us in a bad mood. Sprinkle in some withdrawals from the elimination of normal sugar and caffeine consumption and you might find people walking the other way when they encounter you. Some have said tapering off coffee and sugar a few days before starting 3-Day Refresh is a good idea to prevent withdrawal symptoms and extra headaches.

5. Total Weight Loss… 0-5 Pounds?

Almost no users report losing weight outside of water weight or any sustainable results. Many say they’ve even gained weight. For the fortunate few who get to wear that dress with a flatter stomach for an evening, it sounds like they’re right back where they started after their first normal meal. For those who do it for the detox and a kickstart to better habits, the effect is less than impressive because they’re preoccupied with getting a regular meal immediately upon completion of the plan and lose motivation.

Final Thoughts on the 3-Day Refresh Meal Plan

So will you lose a bit of weight if you fill up on water and shakes for a few days? Probably. And then you’ll probably gain it back. Safety concerns remain debatable but at least the program is only three days long. If you want to create real, sustainable weight loss results, you need to make lasting changes. At Noom, we help you do just that by offering personalized, evidence-based behavior change programs that include professional coaching, nutrition and activity guidance, 360 degree support, and more. Come see what we have to offer!

Author: Stephanie Santoro