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8 Ways to Amp Up Your Workout

by | Feb 1, 2019 | Last updated Feb 15, 2022 | Blog, Digest, Move

Feeling stagnant or bored with your workouts? Are you at a plateau and working through it? Or just looking for new, fun ways to get those active minutes in? Check out these idea for amping it up and keeping your workouts fresh: 1. Speed it up Whether you are a runner, walker, biker, or roller, […]

Feeling stagnant or bored with your workouts? Are you at a plateau and working through it? Or just looking for new, fun ways to get those active minutes in? Check out these idea for amping it up and keeping your workouts fresh:

1. Speed it up

Whether you are a runner, walker, biker, or roller, you can always go a little faster. This can easily be done on a cardio machine by bumping up the speed a few notches. If you prefer being outside for your exercise, focus on your breathing or time yourself for going a certain distance. Get a few more punches in your boxing circuit, some extra jumping jacks in your minute!

2. Crank up the beat

Listen to music with a faster tempo! This has been shown to automatically help with speeding it up AND can make your workout more fun (hello dance party!). When you have that beat bumping and then match your steps or movements to the rhythm, it almost becomes second nature. Rock out while you work out!

3. “HIIT” it

If you are working on your endurance and want to get more out of your time, add in some HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training). You can experiment with intensity, timing, and speed for your intervals. Using an elliptical workout as an example: try 2 minutes at your “normal” pace and resistance, then keep that pace as you bump up the resistance for 1 minute (and repeat)! This will spike your heart rate and build endurance over time.

4. Get rest-less

This is especially helpful for weight training and body-weight exercises by resting less in between your sets (AKA a Super Set). When you limit that resting time to less than 30 seconds, your heart rate stays elevated and you can get a cardio workout with those weight exercises– win-win! Take those short breaks as needed to grab water and catch your breath.

5. Lengthen it

Got an extra 5+ minutes today? Add it to your workout! See if you can get one more lap in the pool. Get some extra stretching in to recover after sweating it out. Do an extra set of jumping-jacks, squats, deadlifts, or whatever you are in the mood for.

6. Make it challenging

A little healthy competition is good, right? Especially when you dominate! Challenge yourself by beating your personal best for lifting weights, running or walking a mile, or holding that yoga pose for an extra 10 seconds. Challenge a friend and keep each other accountable with your activity and workouts.

7. Make it heavier

Adding weight can help you burn even more calories with different exercises, as well as get more out of those strength training circuits. Start small by holding a 5-10 pound weight with your lunges, squats, or sit-ups. If you use machines or free weights, increase the weight for different exercises over time and see if you can set a new max!

8. Try something new

Our bodies are amazing and are really good at adapting to new habits (as you have probably seen in your Noom journey already). This adaptation makes the body burn less calories as you master your form with different exercises. As you keep up with your habits, activities become easier, so what used to be challenging for you is the body’s “new normal.” No need to worry! Trying a new fitness class, activity, or even walking a different route can shake things up enough to surprise your muscles and have them react and re-adapt.


Author: Rachel Potter