Our chat feature will be down for maintenance on March 17, 2024, from approximately 2:00 AM – 3:00 AM ET.
Please check back after our maintenance has concluded, or submit a ticket to our email support if you require assistance.

Noom Phone Number and Phone Support

Noom is now offering phone support! Please give us a call at (888) 266-5071 from 7 am to 10 pm Eastern Time.

If you’re calling from outside the US and Canada, you’ll need to use a VOIP service to call. Please note that we aren’t able to accept calls from any VOIP services that would require us to have an app installed to receive the call.

If you’d like to contact Noom Support outside of operating hours, we’re also offering 24/7 chat support — just click on the orange Support Chat bubble in the bottom right corner of this page. Our agents (both on phone support and in live chat) can:

  • Cancel your subscription
  • Issue a refund (if applicable)
  • Help you get started with your program

Feel free to take a look at our FAQs or reach out to our Support Team via the contact form if that’s more convenient — they’ll be happy to assist you.

If you’d like to check your subscription status or charges, you can find that information in your Subscription Portal. If you’re looking to cancel your subscription, please take a look at these cancellation instructions.

If you think you might want a refund, please check out our Noom Weight Refund Policy. You can also reach out to Support to inquire about a refund within the 14-day grace period.

We hope this helps! Please don’t hesitate to call Noom or contact us via chat with any questions or concerns.